Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2017

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30598/jbkt.v1i1

This issue discusses several studies aimed at understanding the effectiveness of the 2013 Curriculum in meeting students' needs. Rulof Melmambessy evaluates student satisfaction with the specialization process, while Djahra Fataruba introduces information services to enhance high school students' learning interest. Additionally, Andretha Mariana Lusikooy considers group counseling as a means to improve students' adaptation in vocational high schools. Herly Janet Lesilolo reviews students' self-actualization in Christian religious education and character education from Carl R. Rogers's perspective, while Desje Lattu provides solutions for implementing guidance and counseling within the 2013 Curriculum. Lastly, the profile of conflict resolution skills among high school students in Ambon City is discussed to further understand students' dynamics in dealing with conflicts.

Table of Contents

Research Paper

Rulof Melmambessy
Djahra Fataruba
Andretha Mariana Lusikooy
Herly Janet Lesilolo
Desje Lattu
Neleke Huliselan