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Volume 8, Issue 2, July 2024

This issue features a diverse range of articles focusing on counseling, student motivation, and psychological well-being. Highlighting the contributions of counseling to resilient learners and visually impaired students, this issue also explores dual-role conflict in female healthcare workers, emotional well-being in parents of children with autism, and effective assessment practices by school counselors in Indonesia. It delves into body image among K-Pop fans, marriage readiness in early adult Batak women, and the influence of family on student mental health. Additionally, the issue examines the integration of experiential learning, the role of self-compassion in nurse well-being, overprotective parenting impacts, psychological outcomes of neuroticism, nomophobia in migrant students, parental attachment in adolescents with physical disabilities, communication skills in counseling for schizophrenia and depression, impulsive buying in football supporters, and social media dynamics. The edition concludes with insights into post-conflict social interactions in Maluku, counseling strategies for K-Pop fans' consumptive behavior, and a literature review on adult education in the digital era.
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Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2024

This issue covers a wide range of research papers and ideas about mental health and counseling. The studies look at things like how students see themselves, how support from friends affects students who work, and ways to handle stress in college. They also explore how relationships and support influence how people feel in different situations, like mothers of kids with special needs. One study even looks at how a type of therapy can help people with chronic illnesses feel less anxious. Other articles discuss how counselors' personalities, school facilities, and different counseling methods can make a difference. Overall, this collection shows how communication and counseling are changing and improving.


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Volume 7, Issue 2, July 2023

This issue covers various topics related to student well-being and counseling practices. It includes research papers and discussions on improving students' reading motivation through collaboration between different teachers, understanding how sharing personal experiences affects college students' stress levels, and using counseling techniques to help students from broken homes manage their emotions. Other studies look into how parenting styles affect teenagers' emotional intelligence, how perceptions of gender influence high school students' career choices, and ways to make learning more engaging for students. There are also articles discussing the role of counselors in preparing students for the future, dealing with cyberbullying, and helping students make informed career decisions. Overall, these discussions highlight the importance of ethical counseling practices and adapting to changes in student support.
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Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2023

This issue covers various topics related to student well-being and counseling techniques. It includes research papers on using cognitive behavior therapy techniques to reduce insecurity, measuring students' academic resilience in adapting to offline learning after online classes, and assessing the validity and reliability of self-management instruments for teenagers. Additionally, studies investigate the effectiveness of conflict resolution counseling in instilling peace values among vocational high school students and the development of online counseling models to enhance social presence in distance education. Conceptual papers discuss the philosophical assumptions underlying guidance and counseling, as well as coping strategies for counselors in the new normal era and the counselor's role in shaping students' ethics and aesthetics in schools.


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Volume 6, Issue 2, July 2022

This issue discusses various aspects of counseling and education. Research papers explore the effectiveness of training behavioral rehearsal to reduce social anxiety among introverted students, the implementation of clinical supervision to enhance teacher professionalism, and the effectiveness of group counseling services using positive reinforcement techniques to boost students' self-confidence. Conceptual papers delve into the significance of philosophy in counseling, focusing on the urgency of understanding the philosophy of science in the digital era and examining the ontological, epistemological, and axiological dimensions in counseling. Additionally, the role of counselors in character education is highlighted, emphasizing their importance in shaping students' character traits.
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Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2022

This issue explores counseling practices and education quality improvement strategies. Research papers investigate the role of students' self-control in enhancing learning quality, group counseling management in state Islamic junior high schools, and the principles of Islamic counseling in fostering harmonious households. Additionally, the provision of counseling services for students facing learning difficulties in an Islamic boarding school and the principles of Islamic counseling in marriage are discussed. These studies highlight the importance of counseling in addressing various educational and personal challenges, emphasizing Islamic principles in guidance and counseling practices.


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Volume 5, Issue 2, July 2021

This issue highlights several research endeavors aimed at enhancing student well-being and the quality of education. The studies include the implementation of the empty chair technique to build student confidence, the influence of career information services on career decision-making, and the application of cognitive behavior therapy to reduce truancy behavior. Additionally, the research explores the use of TikTok social media in group counseling to increase student interest in online learning, as well as tendencies toward deviant behavior among high school students. This publication reflects diverse approaches in efforts to improve student welfare and academic success, while emphasizing the crucial role of guidance and counseling in the educational context.

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Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2021

This issue covers various studies on relationships, education, and counseling. It discusses topics like how people view internet infidelity when they're dating versus when they're married, the importance of sexual education for teens, and how online gaming addiction affects counseling students. Other studies look into things like planning counseling programs in high schools, helping university students make career decisions, and how well guidance counselors are doing their jobs in high schools. They also explore methods to reduce bullying and factors affecting counseling programs in vocational schools. Overall, the publication shows how researchers are tackling important issues in relationships, education, and counseling to find solutions.


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Volume 4, Issue 2, July 2020

This issue discusses various research papers focusing on youth adjustment, student behavior, and counseling practices. It explores the relationship between emotional intelligence, social skills, and adolescent adjustment in a specific community, as well as the influence of Instagram online shops on student consumer behavior. Additionally, the publication examines the use of counseling theories in individual counseling services at a junior high school and the impact of learning motivation on student discipline in another school setting. Furthermore, it delves into the implementation of guidance and counseling services at a specific junior high school. These studies shed light on important aspects of youth development and counseling practices in educational settings.
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Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2020

This issue covers a variety of research papers addressing important issues in education and social development. It discusses efforts to prevent sexual violence through family education programs, the influence of student motivation and discipline on academic performance, and the types of delinquent behavior among adolescents and the factors affecting them in a specific community. Additionally, the publication explores the impact of guidance and counseling supervision on counselor performance, democratic learning processes in schools, and the effectiveness of career guidance learning using PowerPoint-based media to improve student academic performance. Furthermore, it examines public policy in poverty alleviation and the effectiveness of peer counseling models in reducing academic procrastination among university students. These studies contribute valuable insights into addressing societal challenges and improving educational practices.


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Volume 3, Issue 2, July 2019

This issue includes various studies focusing on education and counseling. It covers topics like creating career planning tools for high schoolers, helping elementary students feel more confident through teaching methods, and using traditional games to encourage positive behavior in children. Additionally, it looks at ways to help university students avoid procrastination and how teachers can adapt to the digital era. It also examines how well junior high students are prepared for learning and strategies to boost student confidence through counseling. Furthermore, it explores using local culture in teaching to improve student behavior and ways to motivate high school students in learning about employment issues. These studies offer practical insights to improve education and support students in various ways.
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Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2019

This issue covers different topics related to education and therapy. It discusses how using PowerPoint can help high schoolers understand their career paths, and how playing traditional games can improve kids' social and emotional skills. It also looks at strategies to improve family communication and what influences students when choosing schools. Additionally, it explores how guidance counselors view teaching programs and profiles university students' self-concepts. Furthermore, it examines methods for assessing children with special needs and the impact of problem-based learning on students' democratic attitudes. Lastly, it explores a traditional game in the Kei community. These studies offer practical insights for educators and therapists.


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Volume 2, Issue 2, July 2018

This issue covers various aspects of counseling and education. It looks into how stress affects students when writing their thesis and suggests using a mix of cognitive behavior and music therapy to help them. It also examines how different cultural backgrounds impact students' sense of control, and how guidance counseling influences their choices for further education. Additionally, it discusses methods like symbolic modeling to improve career counseling, student motivations for peer counseling, and using blended learning for counseling training. It also explores the impact of group counseling on students' confidence and the historical connections to social psychology. Lastly, it looks at teaching methods, principal supervision, and how employee performance and leadership affect educational institutions.
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Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2018

This issue covers different counseling and education topics. It looks into counseling across cultures using local resources, positive group therapy for inmates, and understanding learning challenges among special needs students in a high school. It also studies counseling's effectiveness in dealing with cheating issues and its impact on student grades, addressing bullying through group counseling, and teachers' roles in inclusive education. Additionally, it discusses techniques like meditation to reduce student stress and collaborative problem-solving in teaching. Lastly, it explores how formal education affects teens in today's digital world and the traditional rituals of the Wemale tribe in Nuduasiwa, maintaining their social identity.


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Volume 1, Issue 2, July 2017

This issue is focusing on various aspects of counseling and education. It discusses the role of counselors within the Curriculum 2013 framework and the challenges they face. Additionally, it explores the use of cognitive behavior group counseling to address students' self-esteem issues in vocational high schools and describes students' learning motivation and its implications for guidance topics. Furthermore, it examines the application of analogy techniques in information services to enhance high school students' analytical skills and investigates the relationship between organizational culture, teacher competency, and performance. Moreover, it looks into utilizing inquiry methods to improve social studies learning outcomes in primary school students and enhancing fine motor skills through sticker activities in preschoolers. Lastly, it discusses the implementation of cooperative learning, specifically the Picture and Picture method, to boost cognitive development in early childhood education settings.
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Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2017

This issue discusses several studies aimed at understanding the effectiveness of the 2013 Curriculum in meeting students' needs. Rulof Melmambessy evaluates student satisfaction with the specialization process, while Djahra Fataruba introduces information services to enhance high school students' learning interest. Additionally, Andretha Mariana Lusikooy considers group counseling as a means to improve students' adaptation in vocational high schools. Herly Janet Lesilolo reviews students' self-actualization in Christian religious education and character education from Carl R. Rogers's perspective, while Desje Lattu provides solutions for implementing guidance and counseling within the 2013 Curriculum. Lastly, the profile of conflict resolution skills among high school students in Ambon City is discussed to further understand students' dynamics in dealing with conflicts.

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