Normawati Normawati, Hengky Pattimukay, Rosana Tuharea


The assessment of the implementation of kb program policy in lowering TFR in Maluku Province underlies the picture of the phenomenon that still accompanies the implementation of kb program policy which indicates that so far the KB program carried out has not been able to reduce TFR in Maluku Province as expected. This study is done with a secondary methods of public policy approach. The results of the assessment showed that in order to achieve effective results from the implementation of kb program policies in lowering TFR in Maluku Province, comprehensive strengthening of political, strategic, and technical support was needed. by involving all related elements to succeed every program and activities of population control and kb implemented and supported by the adequacy of funds / budgets in its operation so that it is worth using and contributes positively in reducing TFR in Maluku Province.

Keywords:  Policy Implementation, Family Planning Program (KB), Total Fertility Rate (TFR)


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