Seed Germination of Local Corn (Zea Mays L.) Kuning Dalam Cultivar After Soaking in Different Medium

Herlin Sinay


The objective of this research is to know the seed germination
of local corn cultivar Kuning Dalam with using different kind of soaking
materials. The kind of chemical materials and organic materials that being
used are: KNO3 on concentration 10% and 15%, Gibberellic acid on
concentration 50 ppm and 100 ppm, unripe-coconut water, and ripecoconut
water. The corn seeds soaked in KNO3 10%, KNO3 15%,
Gibereline 50 ppm, Gibereline 100 ppm, unripe-coconut water, and ripecoconut
water for about 24 hours. The seeds then planted on polybags
sized 15 x 20 cm for 5 seeds per polybags. Observation being held when
those plants grew on age 10 days after plantation. The parameter that
being observed was the germination percentage, Plant Height, Number of
Leaves, Leaf Length, and Leaf Width. The research result data will be
tabulated in form of graph and narrated descriptively to see the
comparison between each kind of materials used in soaking treatment.
The research result shows that on treatment using KNO3, both 10% or
15% concentration, both giving germination percentage up to 93%, while
for the plant height, number of leaves and leaf length variable, the
treatment using KNO3 10% is higher than KNO3 15%, but on the variable
of leaf width, the treatment using KNO3 15% is higher than 10%. On the
treatment using GA3, on both concentration 50 or 100 ppm, both giving
highest germination percentage up to 100%, while for the variable of
plant height, number of leaves, leaf length and leaf width, GA3 100 is
higher than GA3 50 ppm. For the treatment using coconut water, both
unripe-coconut water and ripe-coconut water, both contribute 80% in the
germination, while for the variable of plant height, number of leaves, leaf
length, and leaf width we got the highest value for treatment using unripecoconut
water. Based on these result, it can be concluded that to
stimulate the seed germination of corn cultivar Kuning Dalam using
KNO3 10%, GA3 100 ppm, and unripe coconut water to soak it for almost
24 hours.

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Pattimura University
Address: Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Science (FKIP). 
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