The Mapping of Elementary Students’ Basic Motor Skill At Ambonese City

Jacob Anaktototy, Meike Souisa, Johana Matitaputty


Nowadays, children are used to go to school and back home by using public transportations and as result they rarely walk, which is the basic of motor ability that they can do every day. Moreover, when they learn physical education in a school, it just spent 90 minutes, which is considered as insufficient to practice their basic motor ability. Therefore, this study was conducted with aimed at finding out the students’ basic motor skill. Descriptive quantitative method was applied to conduct the study. In collecting the data 4(four) instruments were used namely Observation, Interview, Documentation, and Triangulation. While to analyzing the data of percentage calculation is used with the standard of descriptive statistics (Sugiyono, 2012). The findings of this study can be used to describe the basic motor skill of the students who were the subject of the study as well as to be used as the information and recommendation for the teachers of physical subject, educational institution particularly Education and Sport Institution in Ambon in improving the teaching and learning quality particularly in physical education at elementary level.

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Pattimura University
Address: Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Science (FKIP). 
Jl. Ir. M. Putuhena, Poka, Ambon - Mollucas -Indonesia