This issue covers different counseling and education topics. It looks into counseling across cultures using local resources, positive group therapy for inmates, and understanding learning challenges among special needs students in a high school. It also studies counseling's effectiveness in dealing with cheating issues and its impact on student grades, addressing bullying through group counseling, and teachers' roles in inclusive education. Additionally, it discusses techniques like meditation to reduce student stress and collaborative problem-solving in teaching. Lastly, it explores how formal education affects teens in today's digital world and the traditional rituals of the Wemale tribe in Nuduasiwa, maintaining their social identity.
Table of Contents
Research Paper
Hadiwinarto Hadiwinarto
Wahyu Utami
Dewi Mufidatul Ummah
Purwatib Purwatib
Drajat Edy Kurniawan, Taufik Agung Pranowo
Desje Lattu
Andi Agustan Arifin
Lisye Salamor
Johannis Takaria
Agustinus Ufie