The Effect of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Individual Settings to Recude Truancy Behavior
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh pengaturan individual cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) terhadap penurunan perilaku membolos siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian subjek tunggal dengan populasi 10 siswa dan sampel 3 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah melalui dokumentasi. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif, dan penyajian data melalui grafik. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara grafik garis agar dapat melihat secara langsung perubahan yang terjadi dari kondisi fasa. Hasil penelitian pada subjek A sebelum diberikan intervensi sebanyak 14 kali bolos, 5 kali fase intervensi, dan fase baseline setelah diberikan 3 kali bolos. Kemudian subjek B pada fase baseline sebelum diberikan intervensi yaitu bolos kelas 12 kali, fase intervensi berkurang menjadi 9 kali, dan fase baseline setelah pemberian intervensi sebanyak 3 kali. Selanjutnya subjek C pada fase baseline sebelum diberikan intervensi dilakukan skipping sebanyak 15 kali, fase intervensi menurun menjadi 11 kali. Kemudian pada fase baseline setelah diberikan intervensi sebanyak 2 kali. Data tersebut menunjukkan bahwa setting individual cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap penurunan perilaku membolos siswa MTsN X.
Kata Kunci: perilaku membolos, terapi perilaku kognitif, pengaturan individu
This study aims to see the effect of individual cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) settings to reduce truancy behavior of students. This study used a single subject research design in which a population of 10 students and a sample of 3 students. The data collection technique used is through documentation. Data processing was carried out using descriptive statistics, and the presentation of the data through graphs. Data analysis was carried out by means of a line graph in order to be able to see firsthand the changes that occurred from the phase conditions. The results of the research on subject A before being given the intervention were 14 truants, 5 times the intervention phase, and the baseline phase after giving the intervention 3 times skipping. Then, subject B in the baseline phase before giving the intervention, namely 12 skipping classes, the intervention phase decreased to 9 times, and the baseline phase after giving the intervention 3 times. Furthermore, subject C in the baseline phase before giving the intervention was 15 times skipping, the intervention phase decreased to 11 times. Then in the baseline phase after giving the intervention 2 times. These data indicate that the individual cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) setting has a significant effect on reducing truancy behavior of students at MTsN X.
Keywords: truancy behaviour, cognitive behavior therapy, individual setting
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